2020-21 SCAC Cross Country Championships

Hosted by University of Dallas

February 6, 2021

#SCACxc | #SCACchamps


Irving, Texas

With over 230,000 residents and a work force of 3.3 million people, Irving is a keystone city in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Home to 8,500 local and multi-national companies, including the global headquarters of five Fortune 500 corporations and more than 45 Fortune 1,000 companies, Irving's convenient location to two major airports and its sprawling urban business districts are major attractions to the corporate world.

University of Dallas - Campus Course

The University of Dallas cross country campus course begins at the soccer field and runners will navigate through the wooded terrain before coming out by the baseball field and circling the other athletic facilities.

Meet Central

Game Links
SCAC Women's Cross Country Championship - 9 a.m. CT
SCAC Men's Cross Country Championship - 10 a.m. CT

