Call for Hall of Honor Nominations!

Austin College and the Alumni "A" Athletic Association are now accepting nominations for the 2023 Athletics Hall of Honor and Coach Joe Spencer Award for Meritorious Service and Lifetime Achievement in Coaching!

For a nominee to be considered, all nominations must be received no later than May 6, 2022, for the class of 2023. Nominations for those candidates not selected will be retained for future consideration for at least three years and automatically roll over & do not need to be resubmitted for consideration if it falls within this timeframe. 

The nominator should submit the following:

1. A completed nomination form (required), which can be found linked below.

2. One or more additional letters of support detailing the nominee's qualifications and accomplishments (optional but highly recommended). Note that two separate nomination forms are the equivalent of a letter of support.

3. Any additional information that would be helpful to the Hall of Honor Voting Committee in making its selection (optional but highly recommended). Examples: Newspaper clippings, old programs, personal observations, etc.

4. All nominees will be contacted to provide and/or confirm any information gathered by the Nominating Committee.

Our goal is to have as broad a base as possible of distinguished former athletes, representing the many programs the college now sponsors. 

Former Austin College coaches, managers, trainers, or ardent supporters are also eligible for selection as "honorary" members of the Hall of Honor. The Board also has the option of selecting one honorary recipient if it feels compelled to act on a nomination. 

The criteria for the Hall of Honor award is stated broadly and appears on the award plaque as follows:

The athletes and coaches honored here possess,
in addition to outstanding ability in a sport or sports,
the qualification of sportsmanship, character, and integrity,
and are those who have brought great distinction
to (themselves) and 
Austin College.

To be considered for the Hall of Honor, nominees should be submitted based on the following criteria:

1. At least five years must have passed since the nominee attended Austin College.

2. A nominee must be an Austin College graduate and have participated in athletics for a minimum of two years (unless extenuating circumstances can be provided). 

3. A nominee should have been recognized for accomplishments while at Austin College:   

1. If the nominee's Austin College sport was part of a conference, the nominee should have received post-season recognition (All-Conference, All-American, etc.)

2. If the nominee's sport was not part of a conference, the nominee should have received recognition from Austin College and/or his/her teammates. This could include having received any one of a number of post-season awards, been selected team captain, etc.  

4. A nominee may also be considered on the basis of the number of years as a starter and/or the nominee's contributions to a successful team record.

One slot on the Hall of Honor inductee list should be reserved for an alumnus or alumna that attended 40 or more years ago. If possible, a few candidates should be identified for inclusion on the ballot that meets this qualification. The board has the option to forgo this reserved slot if successful candidates have not been identified.

The Coach Joe Spencer Award for Meritorious Service and Lifetime Achievement in Coaching is a lifetime award and is given to a coach who has had an association with the college in some way and who possesses consistent evidence of a successful career in the coaching profession. While competitive records can be considered for this award, related meritorious service, the success of former players, longevity, and other personal achievements will be considered as the board seeks to honor someone who is truly outstanding in the coaching profession.

Qualifications for the Joe Spencer Award include:

1. A nominee must have been affiliated with Austin College athletics.

2. A nominee should have been recognized for coaching/athletic administration accomplishments during his/her career. The nominee is not required to have retired from coaching. This award is intended to reflect lifetime achievement in coaching/athletic administration. The nominee must have spent part of his career actively coaching.

For both the Hall of Honor and the Joe Spencer Award, the following should also apply to all nominees:

1. Athletic or coaching/athletic administration prowess should take precedence over life experiences.

2. Reputation should be a factor in overall consideration.

3. Nominee's induction and subsequent recognition would have a positive impact on the College.

4. Stewardship and support of Austin College should have minimal consideration.

You may submit your nomination information for either or both awards by filling out the online form. If you have any questions about these awards, please feel free to contact David Norman at 903.813.2499.

Or, submit your nomination by mail or fax by filling out the PDF Form.

Kedric Couch Alumni Coach of the Year Award Nominations

If you would like to submit a nomination for the Kedric Couch Alumni Coach of the Year Award, Austin College is currently accepting nominations for the 2022 recipients. Nominations should be based on coaching success from the 2021-2022 academic year only. Previous accolades will not be taken into consideration. Submit nominations via our online formNominations will be taken until May 31.